Sunday, October 15, 2006

Reflections from the Rock

Time is flying far to fast. It was 3 weeks ago already that I was invited by Layne to go rock climbing in Squamish. Yes, it was amazing!!!
Now, I have not done a lot of rock climbing before - an hour in a gym here or there, or an afternoon struggling up some rock face - usually without proper footwear. This weekend blew all of my past experience away as we climbed for ~6hrs/day for three days on some of the best rock around. It was hard, it was exhausting, my fingers nearly bled, and it was so good - fun, exhilarating.
Here are a few things that I learned

  • It is ok to look failure in the face - 2 things could happen: 1. Good lesons and skills are learned in the trying 2. You suceed where you did not think it possible.
  • I am stronger / more capable than i think i am. What you think is beyond your limits is often within you limits.
  • So good to have a friend to push you - call you to something higher (thanks Layne!)

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